A Breath of Fresh Air

A Breath of Fresh Air – As contradicting as it sounds, the pictures above prove that you do not judge a book by its cover.

My mini time with these young and vibrant nomadic farm boys was truly a moment of peace, laughter and pure happiness. I know what comes to mind when you see this picture (some people might even tell me to watch my pockets) but it’s a total opposite because in these young men, I find people who take their nomadic farm work diligently, people who care for their animals like they are humans, leaders who tend to their flock and would anything to make sure they are safe.

Sometimes, we misinterpreted the love and loyalty they profess to their flock that we tag them “nomadic freaks” meanwhile they are really no different from “fanatics” who also worship their pastors and Imams rather than the message in the religion.

Anyways, we are not here to argue who is good or bad but to appreciate one another and respect our differences. These men are open to learning and get really excited to learn new things and meet new people. All they really do care about is peace for them and their flocks. A good number of them are almost totally harmless and are children at heart.

Let’s share love rather than hate and stereotype. ♥️